coconut water

Coconut Water: Unveiling the Health Benefits and Risks

Spending lots of time in Brazil, I’ve learnt to enjoy drinking fresh coconut water on a hot day, especially beach-side. My habit for enjoying coconut water was strengthened by my joy of recreational running and the purported benefits of this delicious water.

Since we should not take things at face value, I set out to find out recently to find out: “how much coconut water should I drink and what are all the health benefits, if any”. These basic doubts became the genesis for this blog post.

Together now, we’ll uncover the factors that determine the right amount of coconut water to consume, its health benefits and potential risks, and even some creative ways to incorporate it into your diet if you are a foodie.

Determining the Right Amount of Coconut Water

Coconut water

The appropriate amount of coconut water you should drink relies on personal factors such as age and weight, exercise habits, and health status. Regular drinkers are usually advised to have 1-2 cups of coconut water daily. Yet, caution should be exercised if you have kidney stones or health issues that restrict your potassium, sodium, or calorie intake.

In addition to adults, children can also safely consume coconut water, gaining benefits such as electrolytes, carbohydrates, calcium, and other nutrients.

Exercise habits

Coconut water is a natural alternative to a carbohydrate electrolyte sport drink, providing electrolytes, carbs, calcium, and other nutrients. Your workout routines will dictate your coconut water consumption. For post-workout hydration, it’s recommended to have 8 to 16 ounces of coconut water.

Fact: coconut water is a powerhouse of electrolytes, with each single cup containing more than double the electrolytes than the same amount of a regular sports drink. It may contribute to better exercise performance and hydration than plain water.

Health status

Certain health conditions, such as kidney disease or high blood pressure, may require monitoring or limiting coconut water intake. People with kidney disease should be cautious with their consumption due to the high potassium content in coconut water, which could be too much for their kidneys to handle.

There’s no specific suggested intake for those with heart issues, but coconut water is low in calories and has potassium, sodium, and magnesium, which can be helpful for hydration. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice about your specific health condition is always a wise decision.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

White and Blue Health Pill and Tablet Letter Cutout on Yellow Surface

As we saw, drinking coconut water can support hydration and electrolyte balance, but it also can improve heart health, and potentially aid in diabetes management.

Heart health

The high potassium content in coconut water can support heart health by regulating blood pressure levels. Potassium counteracts sodium’s effect of raising blood pressure, helping to maintain healthy levels. Research has also found that coconut water can help:

  • Balance cholesterol levels

  • Lower LDL cholesterol levels

  • Lower triglyceride levels

  • Raise HDL cholesterol levels

Consuming coconut meat as part of your diet can also provide nutritional benefits, but be sure to consult your healthcare professional for personalized advice. Additionally, coconut milk can be a delicious alternative to include in your recipes.

Diabetes management

Coconut water may help manage diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels, although more research is needed. For diabetics, it’s suggested to consume 1-2 cups (240-280 ml) of coconut water a day, making sure to choose the unsweetened kind. However, those on diabetes medications should consult their doctor before consuming coconut water, as its high potassium content might interact with their medications.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

pros cons

Despite the numerous health benefits of coconut water, awareness of potential risks and side effects is key. As with most anything, moderation is required when consuming coconut water.

High sodium levels

Excessive consumption of coconut water can lead to high sodium levels, which may be harmful to those with high blood pressure. One serving of coconut water has around 64 mg of sodium. While sodium is crucial, excessive amounts can be detrimental to your health, especially if you’re trying to lower blood pressure.


People with chronic kidney disease should be cautious with coconut water intake due to the risk of hyperkalemia from its high potassium content. A cup of coconut water contains around 600 milligrams of potassium. If you have impaired kidney function, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate amount of potassium for your daily intake.

Drug interactions and surgery concerns

Coconut water may interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery, so it’s best to avoid drinking it two weeks prior to any surgery.

Additionally, those on certain medications, like diabetes or blood pressure meds, should consult their doctor before consuming coconut water.

Choosing the Best Coconut Water

brown coconut

Selecting the right product is key to maximizing the benefits derived from drinking coconut water. When selecting coconut water, keep an eye out for added sugars, sodium content, and expiration dates.

Doing so will guarantee that you consume a product that is not only fresh but also safe.

Added sugars

Opt for unsweetened coconut water without added sugars to reap the most health benefits, check the nutrition label. Coconut water naturally contains sugar, but added sugars can increase the calorie count and lessen its health benefits.

Sodium content

Check the sodium content on the label, as some brands may have added sodium, which can be harmful to those with high blood pressure. The daily max recommended sodium intake for adults is 2,300 milligrams, so monitor your total sodium intake, including from coconut water, to stay healthy.

Expiration dates

Always check the expiration date on coconut water to ensure freshness and safety. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Unopened coconut water can last around 6-9 months at room temperature.

  • Once opened, coconut water should be refrigerated and consumed within 3-5 days.

  • Be mindful of changes in color, smell, and signs of spoilage before drinking expired coconut water.

Creative Ways to Incorporate Coconut Water into Your Diet

improve your diet

With a clear understanding of the benefits, risks, and selection criteria of coconut water, it’s time to examine creative methods to include it in your diet and even DIY skincare if you fancy.

Smoothies and beverages

Add coconut water to smoothies, juices, or cocktails for a refreshing and nutrient-rich twist. Coconut water gives smoothies and drinks an extra nutritional boost with its natural vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes that help with hydration. It’s low-calorie too, so you can add it to smoothies, cocktails, or use it as a base for frozen fruit pops without worrying about packing on extra pounds.

Cooking and baking

Use coconut water as a base for cooking grains, making salad dressings, or baking for added flavor and nutrients. Cooking with coconut water can change the nutrient profile of a dish, bringing in essential minerals like magnesium and providing a low-calorie, low-fat cooking liquid. Additionally, incorporating grated coconut can add texture and a burst of tropical flavor to your recipes.

So, next time you’re in the kitchen, experiment with coconut water in your recipes and enjoy its unique taste and health benefits.

DIY skincare

Incorporate coconut water into your skincare routine by using it as a facial toner or mixing it with other natural ingredients for a hydrating face mask. Coconut water is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can help nourish and protect your skin.

Plus, you can use it as a natural toner or moisturizer, leaving your skin feeling soft and refreshed.


In conclusion, coconut water is a refreshing and nutritious beverage with numerous health benefits when consumed in moderation. By determining the right amount for your needs, choosing the best product, and creatively incorporating it into your diet, you can enjoy the many benefits of this trendy beverage. Stay hydrated and healthy with coconut water!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to drink coconut water everyday?

Drinking coconut water everyday is generally safe for the general population. It provides natural electrolytes and helps to hydrate the body, however some individuals with specific health conditions should exercise caution with the amount of coconut water they consume. A maximum of two cups a day is recommended for those drinking it regularly.

Can too much coconut water be bad?

Drinking too much coconut water can be bad for your health, leading to electrolyte imbalance, lower blood pressure, and excessive consumption of potassium and sodium. It may even act as a laxative in some cases. So it’s important to be aware of the effects of overindulging in this beverage.

How much coconut water should I drink to rehydrate?

For every pound of weight lost during exercise, drink 20 ounces of fluid, such as coconut water, a sports drink or water. Water is still the safest way to rehydrate.

What does coconut water do in the body?

Coconut water is rich in electrolytes, potassium and antioxidants which can help reduce blood pressure, reduce the risk of developing heart disease and also keep you hydrated and refreshed after a workout. Its minerals may also contribute to healthier-looking skin.

Is coconut water suitable for people with diabetes?

It appears that coconut water may be a beneficial supplement for those with diabetes, though it is important to check with your doctor before consuming it to ensure it fits with your particular health needs.

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